Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ridin the Strug-Bus as of Late...

Hello again! Just team Eco Green here reminding you to recycle.  Now that we finally have wifi, just thought we'd update you on our recent adventures...
Notice on our group's blog that the "Eco Green" team was tied for first place as of last Tuesday...well, we may or may not have gotten ahead a little too early. The last couple of races have definitely not been our races. (Also, as a side note about our team name, we were recently dubbed "eco green" by Bob Bondurant's cronies at the race track, although our instructors like to call us "echo green.")
On Tuesday we drove from Phoenix to San Diego, where we are now. On the way, we stopped at a dairy farm to count cows and find mini cows in cotton seed (aka finding needles in a haystack). Turns out neither of those things are our forte. 
We made it to San Diego Tuesday night where we stayed with host families (ours had a jacuzzi...soooo ideal) and woke up early Wednesday for our challenge racing around Downtown San Diego. We had to answer cryptic clues to find places downtown, ultimately leading us to our final destination. Basically we ran around for several hours like chickens with our heads cut off. Turns out that race was not our forte either....
After the race we had a few hours to just walk around downtown San Diego, which was a much needed break since we are still ridiculously sore from running around, climbing mountains, and jumping off cliffs. And we got a little 

Then today we went to the San Diego zoo! Luckily we didn't have to run around so much today, but turns out it was just as tough trying to find random animals (and our instructors were the bonus animals...we didn't realize they had disguises on).  Although we are still nervously awaiting the results, we aren't exactly getting our hopes up. But we are fairly confident we can win the photo contest with our submission of this photo: 

Staying in a hostel tonight and off to LA tomorrow! 

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