Saturday, January 15, 2011

Surprisingly, Eating Seafood May Have Been Our Race...

Just an adorable team pic in front of the Point Loma sunset to start it off.
So classic.

After staying in another hostel (whose college dorm-esque style may have put Todd's aquarium desk to shame), we headed off to our next challenge.  Subtle hints were dropped that this would involve eating.  And not just eating, but eating without ralphing.  

Turns out we had a trip around China and India (as seen in little areas around Los Angeles). This required us to use chopsticks, do some balance pose (which I did oh so happily),

wear a sari (which Jen did super happily-after the lady tried to convince us we wanted to see the bridal thanks),

get a tattoo (just henna for now),

and find, buy, and willingly eat seaweed rolls. 

Thankfully there are no videos of the actual eating.  Gonna be honest with you, probably not gonna eat those again anytime soon.  We tried to come up with adequate descriptions...but all we could think of to describe them was death.  So yeah, try them for yourself if you want.  

Upside of the day?  We won.  Another upside?  We're heading to water sports tomorrow...although that may or may not be an upside...